Operator Configuration

As the operator is packaged into the Helm chart the configuration is done by setting values.yaml overrides.

Field Description Default
affinity Affinity settings for operator pods optional
container Parameters of the Varnish operator container
container.registry Container registry for the image being used cinple
container.repository Name of the repository for the image being used varnish-operator
container.tag Version to the Varnish operator image being used Latest version available
container.digest Digest to the Varnish operator image being used Latest version available
container.image [Deprecated] Path:tag to the Varnish operator image being used Deprecated, not used anymore
container.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for the containers. Always
container.imagePullSecret The name of the image pull secret to use to pull the container image
container.restartPolicy Restart policy for the containers. Always
container.resources Resource requests and limits for Varnish containers. The field specs are the same as in the Pod spec
container.resources.requests Resource requests
container.resources.requests.memory Memory request 500m
container.resources.requests.cpu CPU request 200Mi
container.resources.limits Resource limits
container.resources.limits.memory Memory limit 500m
container.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit 200Mi
logLevel The minimum enabled logging level. Allowed values: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal. info
logFormat Format of the logs. Can be json and console. json
monitoring The operator monitoring configuration object
monitoring.grafanaDashboard A dashboard that can be installed along with the operator and used in grafana. Installed as a ConfigMap.
monitoring.grafanaDashboard.enabled Enable or disable the ConfigMap installation. false
monitoring.grafanaDashboard.datasourceName Name of the Grafana datasource the dashboard should use. Required.
monitoring.grafanaDashboard.namespace Namespace that the ConfigMap with the dashboard should be installed to. The same as the operator's
monitoring.grafanaDashboard.labels ConfigMap labels. Can be used to for discovery by grafana. See the .sidecar.dashboards.label config parameter of Grafana chart for more details { grafana_dashboard: "1" }
monitoring.prometheusServiceMonitor The Prometheus ServiceMonitor that is preconfigured to monitors the operator pods.
monitoring.prometheusServiceMonitor.enabled Enable or disable ServiceMontitor installation. false
monitoring.prometheusServiceMonitor.namespace The namespace the it should be installed to. The same as the operator's
monitoring.prometheusServiceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor labels that will be used by Prometheus instance to discover this ServiceMonitor. { operator: varnish_operator }
nodeSelector Node selector to control where the operator pods should be scheduled
replicas Number of Varnish operator pod replicas 1
tolerations Configuration that defines which node taints can the operator pods tolerate optional

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